Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook was not an ad man. He is a programmer. So how can he posses the world’s largest advertising platform without any knowledge of advertising?
He hires advertising professionals from “traditional advertising agencies”.
Digital or not, the knowledge of advertising is ancient and has been developed as a blueprint to access customers to sell products and services. It is the one thing that has kept commerce around the world going for centuries.
If you have a product, all you want to do is to get it in front of many eyes as possible. In the old days we used to take our merchandise to various market places on horsebacks. Today, we are doing exactly the same, except that it is digital, and we still call them “Marketplaces”, which is exactly a traditional term.
Hence, the principles of marketing and advertising have and will always be the ‘fuel’ or ‘knowledge foundation’ for Digital Advertising. We love brand new cars, but we also still adore the classic cars – the forefathers of modern cars. Modern cars, like digital advertising did not suddenly fall from the sky; it is all a gradual progression and advancement of man’s thinking. It is simply an advancement, not a reinvention. The wheel has not been reinvented, but there are all kinds of wheels.
A quick Google search will show you the many traditional advertising gurus who have worked in companies like Facebook, were hired purely to set up and contribute to building their advertising platform.
I have heard some digital marketing speakers say that traditional advertising is dead, but how can it be, if it in fact is the “life source” of Digital Marketing? Yet, I can understand that it is difficult for people who have never worked in advertising to make this connection, and are likely to say that traditional advertising is dead, because they cannot teach any of it because of the lack of understanding of the subject matter.
The School Of Digital Advertising (SODA) recognised this and has created courses that are blended or combined with traditional advertising knowledge and principles that can be “executed” through digital or social “media”. I wish to reiterate here again that the word “media” means a “channel”, not “knowledge of advertising” that is needed before one chooses a channel to advertise through.
– The Founder
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